A look at the different types of hackers

In the 1950s, hackers simply referred to individuals with curious minds tinkering with the potential of computers. However, the rise of personal computers in the 1980s led to a shift. Hackers, often teenagers, began exploiting vulnerabilities for the thrill of breaking into systems, particularly those run by governments. Interestingly, some of these early pioneers now […]

Understanding your enemies: The 5 types of hackers that will attack your business

Hackers come in all shapes and sizes, with different motivations for why they do what they do. Unfortunately, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often the target of these malicious individuals because they are seen as easier targets than large enterprises. In this blog, we will discuss the five types of hackers that pose a […]

Defend your business from these 5 types of hackers

“Know thine enemy” — it means to get to know them and their motives. In this blog, we take a close look at the five types of dangerous hackers, what their motives are, and how they operate. Script kiddies In terms of skill, script kiddies (or skids, for short) are at the bottom of the […]

Watch out for distributed spam distraction

A lot of people get a handful of spam in their email inboxes every day. While spam can be a nuisance, it only takes a few minutes to delete or block spam. But if you receive tens of thousands of spam all at the same time, a huge chunk of your time and energy will […]

Ransomware: It’s Getting a Lot of Publicity and What You Need to Do About It

Ransomware attacks are scary. Recently featured on 60 Minutes, ransomware is a huge threat to businesses. The story shows how attackers can come after any organization, featuring a hospital (just outside of Indianapolis) and two separate municipalities.

Secure healthcare data from hackers

Healthcare providers are vulnerable to cyberattacks because their industry is lucrative. People and even government institutions spend so much money on their medical bills, thanks to emerging markets and aging populations. Advances in technology have transformed paper medical records to digital files that can easily be stored and accessed, but can also easily be stolen […]

Beware of these 4 types of hackers

Hackers come in all shapes and sizes. From kids wanting to gain notoriety on the internet to political groups trying to send a message, the motives for a cyberattack vary widely. So how can you protect yourself? It all starts with getting to know your enemy a little better. Here’s a profile of four different […]

Top 4 Ways Hackers Will Attack Your Network

Most small and midsize business (SMB) owners exist in a bubble of blissful ignorance. They focus on the day-to-day operations of their organization — driving growth, facilitating hiring, and guiding marketing — without a single thought given to the security of the computer networks these processes depend on.

iPhone security impenetrable no more

Cellebrite claims that they have devised “undisclosed techniques” to unlock Apple devices running on any iOS operating system. The U.S. government contractor based in Israel recently notified clients of their ability to circumnavigate iOS protections that’s part of their new service for forensic specialists and law enforcement. iPhone vulnerabilities leaked, is it true? A couple […]

Why Your Business Is More Likely to Be the Victim of Cybercrime Now Than Ever Before

Though we’re in the midst of an unprecedented rise in high-profile cybercrime incidents, it’s easy to assume that our own much smaller businesses are safe. Sure, we think, hacking into the data stores of J.P. Morgan, the U.S. Government, or Virgin America can net hackers millions and millions of dollars.