Do NOT use Tape Backups!

I am currently at the Consona Connect User Conference for Made2Manage. It has been a great experience so far but there is one thing that one of the speakers talked about that I do not agree with. He said that companies (these are all manufacturing companies) should be using tape backup to protect their servers.

Here are the top reasons why tape backups are a BAD idea:

  • Tape drives are extremely unreliable for data backup. It’s very common for a tape drive to malfunction without giving any warning signs whatsoever. In fact, many tapes will contain data, but won’t allow you to retrieve that data.
  • If your office (and everything in it) gets destroyed by a fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or other natural disaster, your tapes or other external backup devices that are stored onsite will be destroyed as well
  • Tapes are highly susceptible to heat, moisture and dust; since most people transport tapes offsite in a purse or car, these elements destroy the tapes and the data on them.

Side Note: Storing tapes in a fire-proof safe (also suggested by the speaker here at the Made2Manage conference) or filing cabinet will NOT keep them safe. These storage devices are designed to protect PAPER which has a very high heat tolerance and won’t catch fire unless directly in contact with a flame. The heat from the fire will destroy the tapes and melt the plastic, which causes a double disaster since the tapes melt all over the papers in the safe.

My free report, "12 Little-Known Facts Every Business Owner Must Know About Data Backup, Security And Disaster Recovery" contains much more information on what you need to know about what you need to know before selecting a backup solutions.  You can get the free report here:



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