Hardware shouldn’t be bought willy-nilly

The term ‘hard’ in hard drive shouldn’t refer to the difficulty many experience when they set out looking for a new one. It’s hard to deny the importance that hard drives still have to computers of all shapes, sizes, and operating systems — but like the elusive concept of soulmates, how do we know which […]

These tips help enhance your Powerpoint skills

It’s normal for us to utilize whatever tools we can to make things a little easier. Wanting to use tech to make presentations easier to understand is no exception. Although Microsoft PowerPoint can help you through the daunting task of speaking in public, that isn’t always the case. If your slides distract the audience from […]

Google tips that change the way you search

The odds of locating a needle in a haystack is almost zero, whereas the odds of finding the right match on Google Search are slightly better. We live in a world that encourages us to work at the speed of light, but we have so much information at our fingertips. With the help of these […]

Get a faster Android by installing this app

We all know the benefits of a quick phone. You can accomplish your tasks quicker, easily connect with friends, and stay connected to the world while on the go. A little over a month back, it was reported that the Facebook app was slowing down Android phones everywhere. Today, we’d like to share with you […]

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor, that is the topic of this blog post today. If you’ve ever considered monitoring your staff’s online activities, you may’ve been lost as to whether or not it’s the right decision. So we’ve listed the pros and cons of doing it, and some tips to make it […]

Tips to speed up your Windows 10 computer

If you’ve finally made the upgrade to Windows 10, you may be disappointed that it’s running slower than expected. You may wonder, what’s the cause of this? Well, thankfully there are a few typical culprits, and solutions to fix them. Here are four steps you can take to significantly speed up your Windows 10 OS. […]

Tips to make better use of Mac’s El Capitan

Apple products are known to boost productivity. And with the latest addition of their new OS for Mac, they have once again delivered some handy tools to ensure your computing experience is even easier. Here are a few of our favorite El Capitan tips to help you navigate your Mac smoothly and use applications more […]

Make your life easier with these Cortana tips

It seems like just yesterday that Samuel L. Jackson was chatting up Siri on national television to the amusement of millions. If you’re like most of us, you may have been tickled with the idea that a virtual assistant could be so helpful and charming all at once, and marveled at just how far technology […]

Turning blogging into a business asset

People want to read your blog. You may not think it’s true, but the fact of the matter is that someone somewhere is looking for information on a subject you know inside and out. Of course, this information has to be presented in way that is engaging and unique to stand out and catch people’s […]