Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Not all Windows users are fans of Internet Explorer, and not all Mac users are crazy about Safari. But there’s good news for Windows users: Windows 10 replaces IE with a brand new browser, Microsoft Edge. Here is a list of the key features you shouldn’t miss out on: Import favorites You can easily import […]

Secret upgraded functions for Firefox

In today’s modern day and age, the term “upgrade” has become associated with everything from hotel rooms to web browsers. It usually implies “better,” and who wouldn’t want that? After returning from a brief break, the web browser debuted its arsenal of upgraded functions — 8 to be exact — that helps make every browsing […]

Geek speak decoded

Geek speak, tech talk, jargon or whatever you want to call it, computer terminology can be confusing. However, having a basic understanding of some of the words may be beneficial to the non-IT professional. Speaking a basic level of this language can help you clearly explain a computer problem you’re having, and even help you […]

How to speed up Google Chrome

Ever since its initial release back in 2008, Chrome has been one of the most popular and widely used browsers in the world. Its speed and performance are top notch when compared to other browsers available in the market. As with other browsers, however, Chrome can be slow at times due to some of its […]

Here’s how Chrome for iPhone just got better

Unreliable browsers cause headaches. And in the case of the iPhone, the world’s most popular browser (Google Chrome) has been anything but reliable. With constant crashes, many Google Chrome fans have become frustrated and reluctantly switched to Safari. And if this is you, there’s some good news in store for you: Chrome has been updated […]